Sunday, April 12, 2009

Miracle End to Hostage of Sea Captain

Who are the heros? The real heros are the thousands who were praying for those in authority to make the right decisisions and carry them out. And whooop it happened....two clean shots from two of America's finist ended the lives of two hostage holders and took the third as a hostage of the U.S. Navy. Thanks guys for an excellent well timed and executed plan. You truly are heros who go un-noticed by many who do not realize that Navy Seals are always training and always on duty around the world.
I was in the United States Air Force. A b-52 Squadran. Can you emagine what kind of mess our B-52 would have made even with a laser guided bomb. That's why we need all the branches of the armed forces and take note world WE HAVE THE BEST OF THE BEST!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Pirates..what next?

When will the United States begin to defend it shiping and stopping this junk. It if very apparent that now of the other countries are doing to do any thing. I say follow the money trail and then who winds us with the money gets the bullets. We cannot afford to allow any one to cause havack of our shipping lanes where ever they are.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Dr. Raymond Culpepper My General Overseer!

I have been in several meetings with Dr. Culpepper since his election and all I can say is I am impressed, impressed. It always appears that he is bearing his very soul to you in these meetings. Never any hype or anything like that but just Clupepper. Plan and simple. That is what you get. Of course that is what I like. I like to see the real man bearing his soul and burden for the church. I can understand that a lot more than I can one who puts on a lot of hype and shurrades. That is also what I liked about John Nichols. When you meet him you have meet the real deal and that is the way it is with Raymond Culpepper. Where ever you meet him he is the same as he was the last time you saw him. Smart, straight forward, honest and the real deal. I truly believe he is going to be a great blessing to our church. Thanks Dr. Culpepper for being just you.

Pastor Minger