Friday, February 27, 2009

General Overseer Dr. Culpepper taking Right Steps

General Overseer Dr. Raymond Culpepper is taking the right steps by going out of Cleveland and listening to the pastors and members in the field. If it does not do anything else it will make them feel like someone really cares about what they are doing.
I personally believe he is really concerned and wants to hear what we have to say. It will remain to be seen if it will have any affect on what comes from the Executive Committee. I have always liked Dr. Culpepper so I am somewhat biased in my opinions.
One of the biggest things we need in the Church of God is a Church wide health care program for all our ministers but especially for those who are retired and living on meger incomes. They have given their lives for this church and deserve all the help they get. They deserve more recognition for their labors also. I know many retired ministers who have given their lives for this church. They never pastor what we call a "limit paying church" but always worked a secular job in order to support their ministry. I deeply love and appreciate all of them. That is why I full support from myself and my church all the programs for them. Especially at Christmas time when it seems like they are all forgotten.
Thank you Dr. Culpepper for listening!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The World of Politics

This past week has been a whirl wind in the political world. Putting it middle for me I am really disappointed in the so called stemulis plan the president has pushed through congress. To put it midly he has misled the nation with what was suppost to be a jobs program turned into a hugh pork and spending bill which Obama said he would veto any bill that had one line of pork in it. Not this one! He claims it as a monumental victory that he has put our children and grandchildren into debt for all their lives. It is all just a lie from the pit of hell. Obama keeps conviently mentioning his supposed love for Christ. This can't be so with the deception he had put forth on this country with this bill. I will never vote for him!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

What a weekend!1

This was a great weekend for Garden Cathedral. Two (2) received the Lord into their lives and several were healed. What a great God we are serving. This was a great way to start of our 21 Day Daniels Fast. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
I look foward to seeing what God will do Wednesday night. The spirit of prayer and fasting is prement everywhere. Praise God for His marvelous blessing to all of us.
We kicked of the Daniels Fast with a bang and look forward to many great things happening. If you have an unsaved loveone you would like for us to pray for put the names in the comments section of this blog. We look forward to seeing you in the next service and experienceing the great move of God at Garden Cathedral.